EOC 2023 in Bodø: new meetings on the Via Querinissima

5 Aug 2023

EOC 2023 in Bodø: new meetings on the Via Querinissima

On the second stage of the special tour, the Organizing Committee met with Mayor Ida Maria Pinnerød and Henrik Sand Dagfinrud, Bodø 2024 Program Director, in Bodø, which will be the European Capital of Culture next year.

“I am really happy to be the mayor of Bodø, next year’s European Capital of Culture Ida Maria Pinnerød states – The beauty of being the Capital of Culture is to tell the stories of our origins, and one of the most beautiful and interesting stories is that of Querini, perhaps one of the first orienteers, who came to Røst and found us. It is nice to see how connections have been made between Italy and Norway, Bodø and the Veneto region for many years. In Bodo we are not only good at football, but also at orienteering. We have many good orienteers in the city, who really like to move around and be in nature, where we have many opportunities. So welcome!”

“Bodø will be the European Capital of Culture for next year Henrik Sand Dagfinrud says – Part of this program is Via Querinissima, so we are trying to create a European Cultural Route starting with the story of Pietro Querini from Venice, who shipwrecked right here in the Lofoten Islands, in the far west of our region. So for next year, we’re hoping to become a Cultural Heritage Route and also have a cultural program related to Querini’s story with different connections born from this project, now also with sport and orienteering. We are so happy to build further on this connection between Sandrigo, Røst and our other partners”.

The promotional activities of the European Championships and, at the same time, of the EOC Tour, which will involve amateurs and non-competitive in the localities of Malcesine (October 1), Torri del Benaco (October 2), Lazise (October 3), Verona (October 4), Prada – Monte Baldo (October 5), Soave (October 6), Alonte (October 7), and Vicenza (October 8), also continue in the Veneto region. Information totems about EOC 2023 were displayed in Bardolino, Malcesine, Torri del Benaco, Lazise, and San Zeno di Montagna.

Next stops: Trondheim and Lillehammer!