Discovering Verona with Mayor Damiano Tommasi

24 Sep 2023

Discovering Verona with Mayor Damiano Tommasi

Last leg of our journey of getting to know the beautiful locations that will host the races of the European Championships through the words of their Mayors. First citizen Damiano Tommasi talks to us about Verona, the city that will host the qualifying and Sprint final on October 4, valid as a World Cup final, along with an EOC Tour challenge. 

Mayor, what is the relationship between the City of Verona and big sporting events?

“Verona has a natural vocation for big events and we would like it to become more so over time, not only for cultural events, but also for big sports events. And I’m referring both to the logistical possibilities of the city and in the name of the beauty of the place as a setting for these kinds of events, as well as for the propensity for sports practiced and followed by the citizens of Verona”.

What made you enthusiastically welcome this event?

“It is our desire to increasingly implement the hosting and organization of international events, which manage to combine the sports attractiveness with the tourist attractiveness of our city”. 

Can we consider the event a beginning of institutional and sports relations with Northern Europe also in view of the Winter Olympics ceremony?

“Certainly the event of the 2023 European Orienteering Championships is an opportunity to remind the many people from Northern European countries that our city will host the Closing Ceremony of the Winter Olympics and the Opening Ceremony of the Paralympics. The presence in the territory of components of the Olympic Committees will confirm, despite our candidacy being at the expense of Sweden, the many beauties that Italy can offer. It is a precious opportunity for our territories to be able to host the Winter Olympics after several years missing from continental Europe”.

How is Verona preparing to host the European Orienteering Championships?

“We are preparing the authorizations and routes related to the different areas of our city that will be affected, in order to be able to best welcome athletes, fans, supporters and spectators. Wanting to communicate this as well as possible”. 

The event will also be an important showcase in central Northern Europe, thanks to the TVs that will broadcast live coverage of the races, for Verona and its supporting territorial partners.

“The event will also be an opportunity for live TV broadcasts, and this can only increase transalpine awareness of our city and I am sure it will entice several people to come and visit Verona, perhaps right during the Olympics”. 

Have you ever tried orienteering? A message to the orienteers who will compete in Verona.

“I personally have never tried orienteering. At least, not yet. I am very curious to find out more about this discipline. It is a much-loved and popular discipline in various countries around the world. And I am convinced that the city of Verona will also enthusiastically approach this new specialty”.